Abuse Protection That Keeps You in the Driver’s Seat
Stay on the fast track while fraud gets left in the dust.
Benefits of Yofi for Automotive:
Prevent fraudulent warranty claims and returns.
Protect inventory from unauthorized reseller purchases.
Eliminate expensive returns from customers with a history of excessive returns.
Enhance customer satisfaction with secure and seamless transactions.
Used by the world's leading companies
How Bad Actors Target Automotive:
Warranty Fraud
False claims for vehicle parts or repairs.
Return Fraud
Returning used or damaged parts as new or claiming refunds for parts never returned.
Bulk purchases of parts or accessories for unauthorized resale.
Policy Abuse
Exploiting promotions or return policies for financial gain.
How Yofi Helps:
Identify False Claims
Identify false warranty claims with over 90% accuracy, saving costs and resources.
Reduce Operational Costs
Save automotive companies up to 10% on operational costs by reducing abuse.
Protect Bottom Line
Flag and stop returns of used or damaged parts, protecting your bottom line.
Policy Abuse
Automate Detection
Eliminate hours of manual work by automating the detection of suspicious orders and returns.
Explore Yofi’s Comprehensive Use Cases
Yofi offers a suite of features designed to combat various forms of abuse. Each tool is crafted to enhance security and protect your business.