Trying to get an Eras tour ticket?

Published on
March 7, 2024

Hi Swifties,

It is your in-house material girl here writing to you in anger and frustration with Eras Tour. We thought Scooter Braun was the number one enemy, but I think he’s got competition from Ticketmaster.

I appreciate Ticketmaster’s additional hoops to verify my level of “fandom,” but let’s be real; we were stuck in an endless queue that gave us a glimmer of hope. Straight up, I’m willing to make a significant purchase to join the tour at $600/per ticket, but now I am seeing resellers slinging the tickets for $15,000! The traffic from Ticketmaster would have sold out 900 stadiums, which equates to 14 million people swamping the presale. We all used multiple devices to increase our chances, which led to many of us having our credit cards charged multiple times and being hopeless without tickets.

Bots & Arbitrageurs enjoying Taylor Swift’s 10th stadium tour

This was arguably the biggest tour release of 2022. True, part of the big releases are to have hype from resellers and bots; however, to keep artist and clients buying on your platform, one must ensure the platform has a digital identity. For Swifties, we also have to recognize we might not get tickets. There are venue capacities and limits per group. But, It sure would be nice to know we are being prioritized and valued over bots and resellers! Duh. Regardless of the lifetime value or Taylor affinity, you might have, you should have a high chance in comparison to resellers.

That being said, as much as I love Taylor, I don’t have $15,000 to sing and dance at the Eras Tour. If I was Taylor, here’s how I would have done my concert release:

1. I would have partnered with Apple Music and Spotify.

  • We can get the validation of users that are interacting with Taylor’s music and playlists. Yes, this data could be easy to spoof, but it’s a good baseline between super fan vs. run-of-the-mill Swifite.

2. Pair the online store with the partnership data

  • We all love to shop ‘till we drop Taylor’s merch. Let’s make sure we can reward the users that have shopped or visited the site with high-volume listeners.

3. Ticket broker data to validate previous purchases.

  • If you are like me, you would have no ticket broker history. Again, the data could have been used in an aggregate model.

4. Connect to Taylor Swift’s merch store

  • She’s on Shopify, which is great as she can use Yofi, which allows the use of the data in 1–3 to prioritize the true Swiftie instead of scalpers. A previous purchase should not have to be made to show you are a Swiftie!

So, you might be asking yourself, if Yofi was used in Eras tour presale, what would it have looked like as a customer? Well, you would have a shorter queue to wait in.

All you would have to do is enter your name, email, the location you want to join, and payment information. You would only be charged if you are selected for the presale. No more around-the-corner block lines, no more checking 1000 devices, and no more waking up at 5 am to join the presale. We’re here to help you.

A savvy businesswoman, Taylor now knows what hundreds of Yofi’s customers found out. Yofi — empowers her to better understand her fans, our motivations, and the best way to interact with them, leading to the best way to prioritize them. No wonder our girl is “PO’ed”!

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